The Dublin Region: Advisory Plan and Final Report (Part I)
Stationery Office
The Dublin Region: Advisory Plan and Final Report examined the social, economic and physical resources of county Dublin and its environs with a view to guide the use of land and public and private building works for the following thirty years.
A letter to Caoimhghín Uasal Ó Beoláin, Minister for Local Government
Chapter 1: The Region Today
Chapter 2: Forecasts of Growth
Chapter 3: Regional Development Outside Metropolitan Dublin
Chapter 4: Metropolitan Dublin
I Housing
II Land Requirements
III Location of Major Developments
IV Four new Towns
V New Road Framework
VI Travelling to Work & Bus Services
VII Layout and Form of Western Towns
VIII Development in Suburbs and Small Towns
IX The Port of Dublin
X The Airport (including the Casement Airport)
XI Central Dublin
Chapter 5: Amenity
Chapter 6: Programme
Chapter 7: Cost and Building Resources
Chapter 8: Administration
Metropolitan Dublin, Man-made Aspects of the Region, Compact Grouping of Population, Small Towns, Dublin’s Port and Airport, The City of Dublin, the Region in Summary, Need for Forecasts, Basics of Forecasts, Population Growth and Distribution, Future Distribution, Conditions Governing Growth, Advantages of Metropolitan Dublin, The Choices to be Made, Favourable Location Needed, Growth near Dublin, Sharp Boundary between City and Countryside, Rural Employments, Small Size of Towns, Encouragement of Growth, Study of Rural Centres, Access to Trunk Roads, Regional Road Proposals, Choice of Centres for Development, An Uaimh (Navan) and Arklow, Local District Centres, Scale of Growth Recommended, Major Growth Probable, Estimates of Social Need, Spreading the Lord, The Central Problem, The Great Change, Determination to Use Cars, Three Aims, New Towns, Near Together, 150000 dwelling, density of development, Three Requirements of New Development, 20,000 acres needed, Growth of Motor Traffic, Impossibility of Speedy and Large Road Improvements in Dublin, Traffic Congestion a Dublin Problem, Spreading the Load, choice of sites, disadvantage of the coasts, northern coast, southern coast, advantages of the western area, growth westwards, proposed sites, linear towns and green spaces, gradual dispersal of traffic load, traffic routes and access roads, advantages of a grid pattern, new major routes, proposed road framework for metropolitan Dublin, Relationship of Road Framework and the Western Towns, Road Proposals for the City, Greater Expenditure on roads, Division of Expenditure between central and outer roads, peak-hour, travel by rail likely to Decline, travel by Car, Bus travel to the centre, express buses on cross-journeys, public transport in other districts, town centres, layout and transport needs, sites for factories, offices, industrial estates, residential layout, pedestrian crossings, trade, cargo handling, shipping