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streets for living: a conference on residential road design

An Foras Forbartha
€ 7.95 

Organised by an Foras Forbartha, this paper documents the proceedings of a conference on residential road design from Jury’s Hotel in Dublin in May 1976.




Opening Address

Colm O’Doherty, Assistant Secretary, Department of Local Government. Chairman, An Foras Forbartha


Traffic and Pedestrian Safety

Speaker: John M. Golden, Roads Division, An Foras Forbartha
Chairman: Peter O’Keefe, Head of Roads Division, An Foras Forbartha


Visual and Social Problems

Speaker: Ruiari Quinn, Architect and Dublin City Councillor
Chairman: Harold Higgins, Prof. of Architecture (Housing), University College Dublin


Research and Recent Thinking

Speaker: Eoghan Brangan, Planning Division, An Foras Forbartha
Chairman: Ewart Parkinson, President of the Royal Town Planning Institute


Case Studies of an Irish Situation

Speaker: Niall Hyde, Consultant Architect and Landscape Architect
Chairman: David Stewart, Head of Planning Division, An Foras Forbartha

Implementing New Concepts and Standards

Speaker: Patrick Lynch, County Engineer, Limerick County Council
Chairman: Philip McGovern, Engineer, Former Chief Engineering Adviser, Department of Local Government


Residential Road Standards – The Cheshire Approach

Speakers: Ian Davison, Architect, Planning Department, Cheshire County Council; Michael Senior, Engineer, Highways and Transportation Dept., Cheshire County Council
Chairman: John McDaid, County Architect, Dublin County Council


Delft – The Residential Precinct

Speaker: Peter Jonquiere, Architect/Planner, City Planning Department, Delft
Chairman: Richard Stringer, Architect/Planner, Deputy Chief Adviser, Department of Local Government

Closing Address

Speaker: James Tully, TD, Minister for Local Government
Chairman: Colm O’Doherty, Chairman, An Foras Forbartha

Summary of Discussion


Appendix I: Background to the Residential Precinct


Appendix II: Background Working Paper for Conference by Eoghan Brangan

Editor: Eoghan Brangan.

Authors: Colm O'Doherty, John M. Golden, Peter O'Keefe, Ruiari Quinn, Harold Higgins, Eoghan Brangan, Ewart Parkinson, Niall Hyde, David Stewart, Patrick Lynch, Philip McGovern, Ian Davison, Michael Senior, John McDaid, Peter Jonquiere, Richard Stringer, James Tully.

An Foras Forbartha, sráideanna le haghaidh maireachtal comhdháil faoi dhearadh bóithre conaitheacha, road design, traffic congestion, accidents, living environment, regional policy, natural environment, infrastructure, traffic flow, pedestrian safety, residential areas, urban areas, study, location of accidents, pedestrian casualties, casualty severity, vehicle, pedestrian crossing, road width, street, streets or roads, housing road standards, builder and architect attitude towards standards, residents’’ attitudes towards traffic, traffic and environment, methods of speed control, implications for the road network, road hierarchy, vehicular access, radburn layouts, cul-de-sac, terraced houses, semi-detached houses, precinct, road distributor, mews court, parking, heavy traffic, legislation, residential precincts, speed and childrens’ safety, pedestrian delay, car ownership, visitor parking, off-street parking, garage carports, bends and junctions, carriageway, footpath, car parking,

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