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RIAI Bulletin 9

Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland
€ 4.75 

Beginning in 1972, the RIAI Bulletin was a monthly newsletter to inform Institute members of the wide range of matters with which the RIAI was involved.


The Extraordinary General Meeting of the RIAI, Tuesday 6th June, 1974.


Matters Arising

Honorary Treasurer’s Report

Presentation of Certificates

Adoption of New Entry Forms

President’s Report

Local Government (Planning and Development) Bill 1973.

Time Charge for Principals

Price Variation Clause

Arbitration Course

Investigation of Fees

Visiting Boards

EEC Matters

RIAI Conference

International Housing Competition, Brussels.

International Conference on Registration

Hospital Consultants

Accreditation Board

Office of Cork City Architect

Professional Indemnity

Annual Conference of the Institute: People the Profession and the State

Council Matters


Foras Forbartha Committee

RIAI Gold Medal and Medal for Housing

General Information

Cork City Architect

Meeting of Salaried Members

Posts Vacant

Joint Visit to UCI

Committee of Women Architects

Berlin Architects and Engineers Association

UIA Congress 1981 and Seminar 1975

National Prices and Commission Study

The Form of Contract

Retention of Imperial Units

Books on Art

Technical Staff

Travelling Scholarships

Appeal from the Library

European Architectural Heritage Year 1975


Conferences, Courses, Competitions

UIA Assembly and Congress

UIA Seminar at Kazimierz (Poland)

Use of the Computer in Building Design 

Short Courses at the University of York

Institute of Building

Exhibition of Furniture

International Conference on Housing 

Public Works Exhibition


International Housing Competition - Brussels

Computers and the Architect

Editor: Peter Ferguson.

Ordinary General Meeting, OGM of the RIAI, President’s Report, Honorary Secretary’s Report, Revision of By-Laws, Presentation of Certificates, Adoption of New Entry Forms, Expulsion of a Member, Time Charge for Principals, EEC Matters, RIAI Conference, International Housing Competition, International Conference, Office of Cork City Architect, Professional Indemnity, Annual Conference of the Institute, People the Profession and the State, RIAI Gold Medal and Medal for Housing, Joint Visit to UCI, Committee of Women Architects, European Architectural Heritage Year 1975, Use of the Computer in Building Design, Exhibition of Furniture, Price Variation Clause, Arbitration Course, Investigation of Fees, Visiting Boards, Hospital Consultants, Accreditation Board, Accommodation, Committees, RIAI Gold Medal, Medal for Housing, Meeting of Salaried Members, Vacant posts, Berlin Architects and Engineers Association, UIA Congress 1981 and Seminar 1975, National Prices Commission Study, The form of contract, Retention of Imperial Units, Books on Art, Technical Staff, Travelling Scholarships, Appeal from the Library, Short Courses at University of York, Institute Building, Public Works Exhibition, Pollution, Computers and the Architect, Notices, standards, circular, newsletter, committee, AGM, minutes, meeting minutes, exhibition, competition, symposium, materials, conference, course, lecture, planners, membership, RIAI, CAA, members, Election, report, EEC, housing, public relations

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