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New Dimensions in Regional Planning: A Case Study of Ireland

An Foras Forbartha
€ 7.95 

Following the first conference on regional planning ever to be held in Ireland, in May 1965, this book was the first in a series on different aspects of development planning by An Foras Forbartha. It was hoped that this series would provide a forum for the ferment of ideas and ideals evident at this time in Ireland, as it reached for a richer social and economic life.





Chapter I - The Development of Regional Planning

The Post-War Origins of Regional Planning
Regional Imbalance in Ireland
Socio-Economic Measures prior to 1963
The Local Government (Planning and Development) Act, 1963
Foundation of Planning Institute, 1964
Planning for Urban ‘Growth Centres’
The Case for Primary Centre
Report on Development Centres, 1965
The Debate Continues
A Compromise is Reached
Implications of Government Policy
Alternative Proposals for Linear Development


Chapter II – Economic Versus Social Planning?

Planning and Social Change
Rural – Urban Entailments of Regional Planning
Whither Ireland?
Disadvantages of an Exclusivity City-type Culture
Advantages of Small-scale Society
Towards a Balanced Urban-Rural Culture
Practical Example from France
A European Consensus of Opinion
Notes to Chapter II


Chapter III – The Theory of Rural Centrality

The Original Idea, 1958
The Problem of Disappearing Villages
Village Viability in Ireland
Possibilities for the Larger Centres
The Commuter Revolution
The Centres Theory Confirmed
Satisfaction with Rural Residence
International Agreement about Rural Centrality
Notes to Chapter III


Chapter IV – Towards a Hierarchy of Regional Centres

The Problem of Criteria
The Relevance of Service Areas
How Determine Rural Service Centres
The Existing Pattern of Centrality in Ireland
Some Cross-National Comparisons
Historical Roots of Centrality Pattern
Relativity of raisons d’etre
Centres can Rise and Fall
A Classical Example
New Horizons for Irish Rural Centrality
The Limerick Regional Plan
The Limerick-Ennis-Shannon District
Notes to Chapter IV


Chapter V – The Economics of Industrial Location

The Case for Concentration
Arguments for Deconcentration
Economics and Small-scale Industry
Industry for the County Towns
Facilities for Rural Decentralisation
Problems and People
Notes to Chapter V


Chapter VI – A Revision of Theory and Practice

A Limited Role of the Economic Expert
Respect for Socio-Cultural Values
A More Adequate Community Framework
Meeting Problems of Local Administration
An Improved System of Local Government
County Limerick – a Concrete Example
Notes to Chapter VI



Notes to Conclusion

Author: Jeremiah Newman.

Government of Ireland, policy, development, planning, population settlement, economic activity, social opportunity, economic foals, Maynooth College, Physical Planning, Development Committee, National Institute for Physical Planning and Construction Research,

Website by Good as Gold.