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DSA 2020

Dublin School of Architecture Press
€ 0.00 

The Dublin School of Architecture Yearbook 2020 was published as part of the Dublin School of Architecture End of Year Show 2020 and features a collection of work produced by students during the 2019/20 academic year. It was set up as a platform to show proof that climate action can, instead of stymying creativity, be a catalyst for fundamental change within the industry.


The Democratic Space

Peter Staunton

Antithesis to Suburbia

James Murnaghan

Welcomed Intruders

Andrew Arlovski


Philip Marron

Healthcare Facility

Kate Hunter-Hanley

Primary Care Centre

Lauren Forde

Dorset Street Community Centre

Alex Dillon

Semester Two Projects + Exemplars

Ciara McHugh, Conor Kehoe, Joseph Spiers, and Wiktoria Czajkowska

Marion Mahony Griffin: Tracing an Irish Line through her Animism

Sarah Sheridan and Brian Ward

Pembroke Masterplan

Stephen Allen, Mark Chester, and Lasairíona Power

Malahide Office + Gym Development

Róisín Bean, Katie Barry, Ronan Collins, and Peter Staunton

Environmental comfort and energy efficiency in TUDublin

Patrick Daly

Decent Work + Economic Growth

Ray English / Daniel Cash / Robert McEntegart / Alan Moore / Paddy O'Kearney

Industry, innovation + infrastructure

Aidan McKenna / Laura O'Toole / Bryan Drury / Mitchell Carroll / Katerina Jurkevica

Urban Primary School

Liam Deguara, Shane Nelson, Lee Carabini, Saoirse Gough, Ade Adesanya, Zygimantas Tvarijonavicius

New Cabra

Unit B

Cabra Urban hub

Unit D

Thesis for ClimateActive Architecture

Adam McLoughlin / Raluca Gaftoi / Sam Collins Messayeh / Peter Mac Clancy / Emma Kavanagh

Designing in the Dark, with night vision googles

Seán Brunswick

Thesis for Climate Active Architecture

Sean Kenneally / Kaetlin Wallace / Josh Boyle

Responsible Consumption + Production

Shannen Celeste / Killian Markey / Eddie Egan + Shauna McWeeney / Cara Molloy

Climate Camp: Bio-Beacon

Aoife Fitzgerald, Luke Blount, Emily Ho, Anna Kehely, Ben Kelly, Kate Hunter Hanley, Laura Weber, Fiachra McCarthy, Orla McKeever, Conor McBride

Climate Camp: Unlocking the Urban Fabric

Cian Anderson, Aaron Jeffrey, Matthew Fitzsimons, Roman Hartmann, Karl Finn, Toby Gregory McCarthy, Liam Hayes, Con Kavanagh, Denis Krasnoperov

Aquaponics Centre

Seán Brunswick

Milford Mill River Research Facility

Seamus Sorensen

Treescape and Townscapes

Liam Hayes, Romy Marren, Béibhinn Smith, Garreth Byrne

On Climate Action, Architectural Education + the Future of the Profession

Jeremy Till

WorldSkills International Competition 2019 Kazan, Russia

Ryan Dempsey

Editors: Stephen Allen, Mark Chester, Romy Marren, Lasairíona Power.

Authors: Orna Hanly, Philip Owende, Jennifer Boyer, Cormac Allen, Joesph Little, Stephen Best, Bia Porfirio, Conor O'Kelly, Brian Stedmond, Moya Cowley, Roman Hartmann, Edel Monaghan, Peter Staunton, James Murnaghan, Andrew Arlovski, Philip Marron, Kate Hunter-Hanley, Lauren Forde, Alex Dillon, Ciara McHugh, Conor Kehoe, Joseph Spiers, Wiktoria Czajkowska, Dr Sarah Sheridan, Dr Brian Ward, Stephen Allen, Mark Chester, Lasairíona Power, Roisin Bean, Kate Barry, Ronan Collins, Patrick Daly, Ray English, Daniel Cash, Robert McEntegart, Alan Moore, Paddy O'Kearney, Aidan McKenna, Laura O'Toole, Bryan Drury, Mitchell Carroll, Katerina Jurkevica, Liam Deguara, Shane Nelson, Lee Carabini, Saoirse Gough, Ade Adesanya, Zygimantas Tvarijonavicius, Cathy O'Keefe Prunty, UNIT B., UNIT D., Adam McLoughlin, Raluca Gaftoi, Sam Collins Messayeh, Peter Mac Clancy, Emma Kavanagh, Seán Brunswick, Sean Kennelly, Kaetlin Wallace, Josh Boyle, Shannen Celeste, Killian Markey, Eddie Egan, Shauna McWeeney, Cara Molloy, Aoife Fitzgerald, Luke Blount, Emily Ho, Anna Kehely, Ben Kelly, Laura Weber, Fiachra McCarthy, Orla McKeever, Conor McBride, Cian Anderson, Aaron Jeffrey, Matthew Fitzsimons, Karl Finn, Toby Gregory McCarthy, Liam Hayes, Con Kavanagh, Denis Krasnoperov, Liam Hayes, Romy Marren, Béibhinn Smith, Garreth Byrne, Jeremy Till, Ryan Dempsey, Cormac MacMahon.

No Poverty, The Democratic Space, Antithesis to Suburbia, Zero Hunger, Good Health+Wellbeing, Quality Education, Marion Mahony Griffin: Tracing an Irish Line through her Animism, Clean Water + Sanitation, Affordable + Clean, Environmental comfort and energy efficieny in TU Dublin, Decent Work + Economic Growth, Outreach and sustainability - drivers of a new timber technology degree programme, Industry, innovation + infrastructure, reduced inequalities, Professional practice work placement, Sustainable cities + communities, Thesis from climate active architecture, Speculative Realism and the pursuit of a Subjectless, Post-Anthropocene Architecture, Responsible Consumption + Production, Climate Action, Life Below Water, Life on Land, Peace, Justices + Strong Institutions, Jeremy Till: Climate Action, Architectural Education + the Future of the Profession, Worldskills International Competition 2019, Partnerships for the Goal, Transform-EDU Project, Sustainability Education Context, Covid-19, ASA, Architectural Students Association, Research, Healthcare Facility, Primary Care Centre, FARM, Welcomed Intruders, Informality, Dorset Street, community centre, Semester two, projects, exemplars, BArch, MArch, Masterplan, Pembroke, accommodation, housing, The Bactrian Estate, Matlandsby, Malahide, office, gym, building energy analysis, construction skills, door, office desk, table, CNC machined lounge chair, Timber PassivHaus, timber, concrete, architectural technology, urban school, primary school, The value of Roughness, Unfolding Eden, Labyrinthine Village, Depth through layering, limits of necessity, designing in the dark with night vision goggles, research, Window degradation, Environment, solar panels, Clay materials, thermal mass, detailing, freehand, sectional model, mews house, revit, observe, record, communicate, unlocking the urban fabric, bio-beacon, aquaponics, Milford mill river, research facility, townscape, treescape,

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