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This is Content. This is Theory. This is Craft.

Dublin School of Architecture Press
€ 0.00 

This is Content. This is Theory. This is Craft. was published as part of the Dublin School of Architecture End of Year Show 2019 and and features a collection of work produced by students during the 2018/19 academic year. The yearbook acts as a record of three fundamental mediums that the Dublin School of Architecture and its students use to communicate: content, theory, and craft. 


Tech HQ: European Headquarters for The Circle in Limerick, from Eggers’ 2013 novel of the same name

Third Year Architecture – Semester Two Project

Social Experimentation: Proposing urban design and architectural strategies to enhance the Docklands

Fourth Year Architecture – Selected Projects


Third Year Architectural Technology – Selected Projects

Recital Hall

Second Year Architecture – Semester One Project

Developing Technical Skills

First Year Architectural Technology – Selected Projects

Otium Bathing

Second Year Architecture – Semester Two Project


Fifth Year Architecture Thesis

Capel Street Live!

First Year Architecture – Working Wall

ASA 2018/2019

The Architectural Students Association

Barcelona as an architectural precedent: A four-day exploration of the weird and wonderful

Aibhlin Clabby

Barcelona Pavilion

James McGrath

Rethinking the crit: A new pedagogy in architectural education

Patrick Flynn

Social Purpose

Fourth Year Architecture – Social manifesto image

Walks of Bath

Peter Smithson – introduction to ‘walks within the walls’ 1971

Bath Exhibition

Third Year Case Study – Post study trip

Interview: Siobhán Ní Éanaigh

Emma Kavanagh

Point Cloud

Fourth Year Architectural Technology – 9-10 Fenian Street

Framing Foci

Thesis Investigation – Fifth Year Architecture

The challenges of minimal dwelling typology in collection housing

Edyta Baran

Bad architecture*

First Year Architecture one-week challenge

Caring for place: constructing common worlds

Helena Fitzgerald

Place of Work

Third Year - One week conceptual project

Close Encounter: A reflective discussion

DSA Staff at the Venice Biennale

Timber Technology

Joseph Little

Timber Product Technology, Furniture

Aidan Ryan

Timber Product Technology, Joinery

Alan O’Donnell

Timber Technology

Year One and Two

Timber Technology

Year Three


Ray English

Editors: Tim Connell, Emma Kavanagh, Peter MacClancy, Adam McLoughlin, Michael Sykes.

Authors: Orla Hanly, Jennifer Boyer, Cormac Allen, Joseph Little, Stephen Best, Sean Nolan, Alannah O'Reilly, Helen McFadden, Abby Reneham, Marko Matasic, Diarmuid Wolfe, Victoria Hevesi, Edyta Baran, Peter Staunton, Raluca Gaftoi, Ronan Collins, Alex O'Treasaigh, Kate Essex, Rian Murray, Kaetlin Wallace, Ursula Kearney, Simon Roumier, Emma Harrington, Elliot Swatek, Shane Nelson, Saoirse Gough, Harry Bancroft, Adewale Adesanya, Louise Mongan, Liam Deguara, Barabara Wierzbicka, Conor Byrne, Audrey Murphy, Conor O'Kelly, Andrew Arlovski, Ellen Brien, Deirdre Flood, Beatrice Portfirio, Philip Marron, Lauren Forde, Matej Talar, Sarah Mullins, Kirsty McClean, Nigel Smyth, Eoin Carney, Brian Drury, Gyongyi Sandor, Katerina Jurkevica, Maeve Webster, Mairead Whelan, Mary Flynn, Roman Hartmann, Nicola Burke, Donal Brophy, Kevin Sweeney, Majella Walsh, Rob Hamilton, Tim Murphy, Hannah Misstear, Kate Masquelier, Aoife Burke, Evelyn Phelan, Cormac Stott, Ryan Rafter, Alyssa Valencia, Jedd Cabreza, Aibhlin Clabby, Stuart Medcalf, Kotryna Knystautaite, James McGrath, Matthew Fitzsimons, Patrick Flynn, Ben Motherway, Cathal Dunne, Jack Prendergast, Heather Gavin, Viktoria Hevesi, Edyta Baran, Kristian Markovic, Gerard Byrne, Sean O'Connor, Peter Smithson, Alex Curtis, Avril Bradley, Karl Twomey, Moa Hogart, Siobhán Ní Éanaigh, Emma Kavanagh, Matej Talar, Christopher O'Neill, Michael Wood, Wiktoria Korcz, Eoin Carney, Liam McKiernan, David McCabe, Kristin Sleator, Conor Kenny, David Smith, Edyta Baran, Donal MacLarnon, Grainne McGuill, Jack Hickey, Harry Walker, Garrett Kane, Derek Kennedy, Elysia Taylor, Conor Manning, Ray English.

TU Dublin, Strategic Plan, Broombridge, DSA School Strategic plan 2020-25, Linenhall, Georgian Limerick, Tech HQ, Architecture Belongs, Social Experimentation, Dublin Docklands Master plan, Urban Village, Post-Primary School, Housing Scheme, Staccato Music Academy, The Hearth Stone, Dublin Institute of Maritime Technology, A Structural Matrix, Pre-Placement, timber, steel, concrete, towards integrated buildings, timber study, steel study, Recital Hall, thesis, technology, Technical Guidance Documents, TGD, Part L, Developing Technical Skills, Otium, rejuvenated landscape, otium bathing, Venustas, Capel Street, Architectural Students Association, Barcelona as an architectural precedent, Critique, Rethinking the Crit, Social Purpose, Walks of Bath, Bath, Point Cloud, Framing Foci, Bad Architecture, local diversity, Caring for place, Place of Work, joinery, brick, stonelaying, painting, wallpapering,

Website by Good as Gold.