Architecture Ireland is the journal of the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland. Issue #310 focuses on the theme of ‘play’.
Fernhill creative play
A child-led approach to designing for play
Playful placemaking
How to engage and spark collaboration in the design of public space
Rediscovering the city
How children use and perceive the urban public realm
This being where we play
A programme for reimagining Liberty Park
The changing face of play in the city
Clydebank Community Sport Hub
Marc Kilkenny Architects
George’s Place
DLR Architects Department and A2 Architects
Pavilion House
Robert Bourke Architects
Trinity Business School
Scott Tallon Walker Architects
Product news
Humanism, craft, and generosity
The world of architecture honours Grafton Architects
We are simply recreating things that we enjoyed, so that somebody else might enjoy them
An interview with Alice Casey MRIAI
Managing your business at a time of global crisis
The non-material subject matter of architectural design
The architect as expert witness
Micro-topographies and movement
How architects can learn from skateboarding
Dixon Jones 2: Buildings and Projects 1998-2019
Ian Latham (ed.)
A Real Living Contact with the Things Themselves
Irénée Scalbert
Curatorial endeavour
Hall McKnight
The strange death of architectural criticism
Catherine Slessor
Urban morphology and design intuition
Karl Kroph
Hole in the wall blues
Website by Good as Gold.