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Architecture Ireland 306

Architecture Ireland Publishing Ltd.
€ 9.50 

Architecture Ireland is the journal of the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland. Issue #306 focuses on the theme of ‘Waterford’.



RIAI President David Browne



Patterns of space

Understanding Waterford’s urban fabric

Rupert Maddock MRIAI


A warehouse of ideas

The public role of a school of architecture in the city

Máire Henry MRIAI and Katherine Collins


Generating urban life

Retail, culture, and inhabitation

Des Griffin


The Waterford region

How spatial thinking is shaping the county’s towns

Morris Conway MRIAI


A disruptive tradition

Waterford as a university city

Richard Hayes


Home and back again

Aoife Grogan

Confucius Institute for Ireland

Robin Lee Architecture / Arthur Gibney & Partners

Review by Aoibheann Ní Mhearáin MRIAI


City Assembly House

Consarc Conservation

Review by Fionnuala May MRIAI


N3 Showroom

de Siún Architects

Review by Paul Kelly MRIAI

Cé Rath Maoláin

McCabe Architects

Review by Derek Meenan MRIAI



Complex harmonies

An interview with Sou Fujimoto

Michael K. Hayes MRIAI

Creating places for people

The RIAI Town and Village Toolkit

Philip Jackson MRIAI

Frameworks for living/thinking

On drawing as a springboard into practice

Jennifer O'Donnell



Merrion Cricket Pavilion, Ballsbridge, Dublin

TAKA Architects


Policies for practice

An interview wth Martin Donnelly MRIAI

Joe Miller

The workshop as a pedagogical model

Kieran Donnellan


What is a ‘claims made’ policy?

Marsh Ireland


An international context for the practice of architecture

RIAI International Affairs Committee 

Carlo Scarpa and Castelvecchio Revisited

Richard Murphy

Review by Máirtín D’Alton MRIAI



Thomas O'Brien and David Leech

Review by Ronan McCann MRIAI


Between nature and architecture

Sou Fujimoto

Review by Viktoria Hevesi

One matter, two minds

McCullough Mulvin Architects and Shaffrey Architects

Review by Loughlin Kealy FRIAI


CoHousing Here  

Review by Emma Gilleece and Dominic Stevens MRIAI

In her place

Rachel Andrews



Editor: Michael K. Hayes.

Authors: David Browne, Aoife Grogan, Richard Hayes, Morris Conway, Des Griffin, Máire Henry, Katherine Collins, Rupert Maddock, Jennifer O’Donnell, TAKA Architects, Joe Miller, Kieran Donnellan, Marsh Ireland, RIAI International Affairs Committee, Rachel Andrews, Dominic Stevens, Loughlin Kealy, Viktoria Hevesi, Ronan McCann, Máirtín D’Alton, Emma Gilleece, Derek Meenan, Paul Kelly, Fionnuala May, Aoibheann Ní Mheairáin, Philip Jackson.

Patterns of space: Understanding Waterford’s urban fabric, A warehouse of ideas: The role of a school of architecture in the city, Generating urban life: Retail, culture and inhabitation, The Waterford region - How spatial thinking is shaping the country’s towns, A disruptive tradition - Waterford as a university city, Home and back again, Framework for living/thinking - On drawing as a springboard into practise, Merrion Cricket Pavilion, Ballsbridge, Policies for practise - An interview with Martin Donnelly, The workshop as a pedagogical model, What is a ‘claims made’ policy, An international context for the practise of architecture, Carlo Scarpa and Castelvecchio Revisited, Correspondence, Between nature and architecture, One matter, two minds, CoHousing Here, In her place, Complex harmonies, Creating places for people - The RIAI Town and Village toolkit, St Mary’s Parish Church, Crumlin, Richard Murphy, Martin Donnelly, Thomas O’Brien, David Leech, Sou Fujimoto, McCullough Mulvin Architects, Shaffrey Architects, McDonnell and Dixon

Website by Good as Gold.